女性外陰洗液、用於私密處祛除污垢、美肌・保濕、消除異味、抗菌止癢、淡化私處黑色素、PH 平衡女性洗液、含有純天然新鮮玫瑰顆粒、玻尿酸配合、日本品牌(260ml/8.8 Oz)

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97 件庫存

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✿【抗菌除臭的私密洗淨液】这是一款专为女性开发的私密洗液。 我们的配方针对引起异味的细菌,特别是在私密区域,有效去除避孕套和润滑剂中的残留物,氣味清新、讓您整天感覺清爽。
✿【私密處美肌紧致洗剤】高比例玻尿酸精華和新鮮玫瑰顆粒,讓女性告別私處暗沉肌膚,提高女性私密處彈性。 為生活中的親密時刻做好準備,增強您的親密時刻,在最重要的時候提供清潔和自信。
✿【天然成分溫和護理】這是一款主要由新鮮玫瑰和透明質酸製成的女性私密洗液,有效護理女性私密部位。使用我們的不含硫酸鹽的私密女性清洗液清洗您的生殖器區域,以避免陰部污垢積聚並保持您的私處衛生。無瘙癢和刺激- 保持良好的衛生習慣,您可以避免陰部污垢積聚,從而導致發紅、搔癢、異味和破壞pH 平衡.您甚至可以使用我們的衛生清洗液清潔陰道內部。
✿【PH平衡的女性清洗液】這款粉紅色清潔劑的pH值在4.5~6.5之間,符合女性私處的pH值。 完美的酸鹼平衡,適合生理期清潔,抗菌止癢,安全可靠。 日常護理可有效去除污垢和異味,並滋潤私密部位的肌膚。
✿【日本品牌 值得信賴】 生產的每件產品都經過嚴格測試,確保交付給顧客的每件產品都是最高品質。
✿【隔天出貨】下單後第二天出貨。 同時採用隱私封裝,防止內部物品外洩。
✿【100天退貨保證】如果您對本產品有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯絡。 我們相信您會喜歡我們的產品,但如果您不滿意,我們將全額退款。



Based on 96 reviews
Rebecca S.
Rebecca S.

For a while, I suffered from skin irritation down there. It felt like it came out of nowhere. The skin was red, itchy, sometimes cracked along the bikini lines. I didn't understand what was causing it. I was washing daily, sometimes twice daily thinking it was bacterial. I tried different fabrics of underwear, different body washes, baby powder, creams, etc. I'd go to the OB hoping she could figure it out. No answers. Nothing was working. Finally read an article about pH levels and Lordt have mercy! Feels like a velvety wonderland and she even looks happier. LOL. I've tried a few different scents now and this one is my favorite.

5 個月 ago

This product is everything you can ask for. This body wash was the only thing I could use in the shower while pregnant, Otherwise I¡¯d get a yeast infection if I used another body wash I normally used outside of pregnancy. This product saved me a lot of headache and made me smell like lavender shortly after a shower.

5 個月 ago

