
What should I do if I have phimosis?

Among adult men, Asian men in particular seem to be more likely to have phimosis. If you do not lift the foreskin and clean the glans and neck, the glans tends to become sensitive and prone to repeated inflammation. If you have sex in this state, you are more likely to have ED and premature ejaculation, the duration of sexual activity will be shorter, and the quality of sex will not be satisfactory. lose. Here are some recommendations to improve his situation.

  1. Circumcision. Approximately 3 to 6 months after circumcision, the sensitivity of the glans will be significantly reduced, and the quality and duration of sex will improve.
  2. Applying foreskin jelly to the foreskin surface and putting on a condom before sex can reduce the sensitivity of the glans and help prolong sex.
  3. Turn over the foreskin and make sure to clean the glans and foreskin. You can reduce the sensitivity so that the glans is exposed as much as possible.
  4. Minimize masturbation and keep clean.

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