
Causes of short penis in men

1. Congenital short penis is often due to inappropriate medication taken by the mother during pregnancy, resulting in a lack of androgen secretion.
Penis size is related to genetic factors. In other words, the penis, like any other organ, has characteristics such as size and shape that are influenced by genes.
3. It is related to nutritional intake during the growth period. You need to eat a well-balanced diet, and you need to eat enough foods that contain a lot of protein, which is the main component of the body, such as muscles and growth hormones.
4. If you have phimosis, it affects the growth of your penis. It interferes with the development of the glans, which in turn affects the growth of the penis. Unless you have phimosis surgery, your penis tends to become shorter and smaller.。
There is a link between obesity and short penis. Studies have shown that if too much fat accumulates in the abdomen, perineum, etc., penis development is likely to be slow or stagnant, and the penis is more likely to become shorter than the average male.
6. Reduced androgen levels due to endocrine disorders and swelling of the testicles and scrotum, resulting in a short penis.
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