
What are pheromones?

Pheromones are substances secreted by an individual outside the body and sensed by other individuals of the same species through the olfactory organs (sinonasal bulb, vomeronasal organ, etc.), causing the latter to undergo certain changes in behavior, emotion, psychology, and physiological function. It is called. The origin of the word pheromone is Greek.

It has a communication function. The existence of pheromones has been demonstrated in almost all animals, and in 1959, the secretion of sex pheromones by female silkworm moths was the first scientific proof of the existence of sex pheromones.
British writer Maugham once asked a beautiful woman, Why is my bald, slightly chubby friend always popular with women?'' Her answer was,He has a special smell, a refreshing smell, like a mixture of wine and honey.”
Biologically speaking, this man’s “pheromones” are very strong and widespread. Pheromones reach the lower colliculus and in addition to producing human emotions, they also control desire.。
Pheromones have been studied in animals such as moths and mice, and their two main functions are to facilitate mating and to signal range or warn of aggression.
The highest concentrations of pheromones are found in the groin, armpits, and inside the body. The reason people in love kiss deeply is probably to absorb these pheromones.
If you look closely at the nasal cavity with a light and shine the light into the front 1/3 of the nasal cavity, you will see a small hole. Furthermore, using a microscope, you can find tubes covered with columnar cells inside the small holes. These cells are found nowhere else in the body, only in the vomeronasal organ.
The presence of the vomeronasal organ was observed as early as 1703. In the early 20th century, scientists believed that the vomeronasal organ was present only in some people and was not functional. In medical textbooks, it has long been referred to as a degenerated organ. It was only a few years ago that we discovered that the vomeronasal organ actually has a mission.
Dr. Louis Monty Block of the University of Utah’s Department of Psychology designed a double-blind experiment to determine how the vomeronasal organ responds to pheromones. One of the keys to this experiment was to distinguish between the sense of smell and the vomeronasal organ, demonstrating that the pheromone sensory system can operate independently of the sense of smell.
Using a microdetector, they delivered control substances such as pheromones directly into the vomeronasal organ, and precise measuring instruments recorded the changes. They found that the olfactory system did not respond to pheromones and the vomeronasal organ did not respond to smells, but micrograms of pheromones were able to make the vomeronasal organ respond. Pheromone perfumes are also commonly found in adult products and adult shops as a way to increase the arousal of men and women and make them more attractive to each other.

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