
Why does the lubrication of women’s private parts change so much?

When making love, in order to make love go smoothly and increase comfort and pleasure, a woman’s vagina will secrete a kind of body fluid when she is sexually excited, commonly known as love fluid, also known as vaginal fluid. This is a sign of female sexual response.

During women’s non-menstrual periods, love fluid is composed of a mixture of various fluids, including cervical fluid, exfoliated epithelial cells and vaginal fluid itself, as well as a small amount of Bartholin gland secretions. In addition, it also includes fluid entering the vagina from the uterine cavity, such as Fallopian tube fluid, follicular fluid during ovulation and a small amount of intraperitoneal fluid.

Under sexual stimulation, love fluid and vaginal blood flow increase simultaneously. The stronger the sexual stimulation, the more love fluid. Its main function is to lubricate the vagina and provide assistance for better love. Therefore, the amount of love fluid depends entirely on the strength of sexual stimulation and has nothing to do with disease. If the stimulation is not enough and you have sex, you may feel dry. Increase sexual foreplay appropriately to allow women to fully enter the state of love psychology and body. Then the love fluid will naturally increase, and the harmony and satisfaction of love will also increase.

As women age and their body constitution changes, the secretion of love fluid may decrease. If pathological changes in female organs are excluded, external human lubricants can be used appropriately during lovemaking to supplement the insufficient secretion of love fluids. This will not only avoid injuries to the private parts, but also achieve better lovemaking quality.

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